Corporate Premier League Cricket from 7th July

Sasha Sports & Entertainments & IntelliDecs Presents Corporate Premier League

Sasha sports, & Entertainments- IntelliDecs is prgud to anounce the 2012 Corporate Premier League Cricket Championships! This high energy, entertaining competition will be held at Hyderabad starting from July 7th until August 25th. The competition will attract professional champions from major corporates al over hyderabad. It's first ever

of its kind modeled after IPL. In addition, the event will provide a competitive atmosphere for the participant companies and its employees to develop and explore leadership traits, creativity and improve working as a team - in a fun spirited atmosphere and exhibit their unique talents.

This event is hosted solely with the intention of providing a quality event for the community and the competitors, and introducing others to this exceptionally fun sport.

Sasha Sports & Entertainments-IntelliDecs is an end to end sports solution company focusing on Sports consulting, Sports infrastructure planning and development, developing Integrated Sports academies, Sports Training & Support, Installation and conducting Sports Events. From sportsmen to educational institutes, from government bodies to business houses, we have services and solutions for all stakeholders in the sports field. We at Sasha aren't satisfied to earn a good living, We are looking to make a statement.